Coalition: The Work To Address Climate, Inequity, And Improved Mobility Must Continue
BOSTON, MA – November 18, 2021 – Our Transportation Future issued the following statement today:
Coalition: Transportation Emissions and Mobility (Team) Community Act Will Cut Pollution, Invest in Transit and Infrastructure
UPDATE: ‘TEAM’ Community Act Passed by Full Senate (28-7); Business and Stakeholder Groups Remain Encouraged as Rhode Island Looks to Join Regional Transportation & Climate Initiative Program
Coallition: Despite Delay in Connecticut General Assembly, the TCI Program is Progressing in Eastern States
The Transportation & Climate Initiative Program Will Save Lives, Improve Air Quality While Providing Critical Funding for States’ Transportation Systems
Coalition: Eastern States and D.C. Pass Major Milestone, Move Into Implementation Phase of TCI Program to Modernize Transportation
Equity, Health, and Climate Goals Are Central to TCI-P Finished Model Rule and Draft Framework for Public Engagement Released Today
Connecticut Business Leaders: "TCI is Good for Business"
Connecticut Based Businesses Throw Support Behind Transportation & Climate Initiative at Hartford Press Conference
Coalition: Transportation Emissions and Mobility (Team) Community Act Will Cut Pollution, Invest in Transit and Infrastructure
‘TEAM’ Community Act Introduced in House and Senate; Business and Stakeholder Groups Encouraged as Rhode Island Looks to Join Regional Transportation & Climate Initiative Program
Author of TCI Study Admits Analysis Inflated Costs by Four Times
Setting the Record Straight: Tufts Report Often Cited by Opponents of the Transportation & Climate Initiative Reflects “Something Different Than What TCI-P Has Turned Out to Be”
Coalition: Connecticut Legislature Poised to Transform Transportation with TCI Bill (SB-884)
“Our Transportation Future” is Encouraged by CT Environmental Committee Vote; Bill Parallels Federal Infrastructure Efforts, Ensuring Improvements for Urban, Suburban and Rural Commuters
Coalition: Eastern States And D.C. One Big Step Closer to Modernized Transportation Under TCI Program’s Release of “Encouraging” Draft Rule
“Our Transportation Future” is Committed to Helping Shape a Final Model Rule with Focus on Enhanced Equity, Health, and Climate Benefits.WASHINGTON, DC – March 1, 2021 – The Our Transportation Future (OTF) coalition is encouraged by the Transportation & Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P) draft model rule, released today by 11 states and Washington, DC. The draft model rule follows the December commitment by Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and the District of Columbia to participate in the program to reduce harmful air-pollution and modernize transportation in the Eastern U.S., and an announcement by 8 other states (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Virginia) that they are also considering the program.
Coalition Applauds First East Coast Governors Committing to Groundbreaking Transportation & Climate Initiative Program
First States Confirm Participation, More to Follow: Leading Environmental, Transit, Equity and Health Organizations Champion East Coast States for “Bold and Ambitious” Plan to Cut Pollution and Modernize the Transportation Sector